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Writer's pictureLu Tandazo

Do you feel like attracting success and money is hard?

Here is some of my best advice from my biggest breakthroughs!

1. Stop focusing on you - focus on others

When we are focused on becoming successful, we are so focused on ourselves that we block the flow of abundance. Success only comes from greater service. So stop focusing on you. Instead, focus on others, focus on helping others succeed with their goals. Be of service. Yes it’s right thing to do, but you will be rewarded beyond measure. What goes around must come around and tenfold! Find a way to help others succeed, feel good, and to leave them better off every day!

2. See yourself as getting more and more abundant and successful and get into the feeling of it - it will convey that feeling to others who will be attracted to you

The way you see yourself and others is conveyed onto others - whether you realize it or not. See yourself as someone who is getting more and more successful, more and more abundant and see others the same way. Everyone wants more out of life. When you hold this picture of yourself that way - not only are you setting up a powerful force of attraction to attract more good into your life, but people will be attracted to you, because they know (they feel) that by being around you their life will get better.

3. Don’t focus on your current results, only focus on giving your best, doing your best and imagine the outcome you desire as real.

Remember, the outcome you desire is already here (on a spiritual plane and intellectual plane). It is your job to hold that picture in your mind regardless of current circumstances. Stop focusing on the fact that your results are not what you want. Is that what you would do if your results were already where you want them to be? No! You would walk confidently, gratefully, peacefully and be of service. When you shift away from focusing on your results to just focusing on doing every action well, giving it your BEST, then you will get traction. When you put your best into every action, you are sending off an energy - and it will come back to you. It also helps you act as the future you! Don’t lower your standards because you are not there yet - demand nothing but the best from yourself. And do those daily tasks as if they were the only thing that mattered. Don’t pay attention to the results. Walk confidently knowing that if you do each thing well with the vision of your goal realized (and feeling), it MUST happen.

Go make it happen!!! Put in the comments what you will implement this week!

Lu Tandazo - Personal Success Coach

Picture from Anna Shvets

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