What does Freedom mean to you?
Freedom of time and freedom of money are usually at the top of the list for most people - but what does it really mean to you?
Take the time to think about it. What would you do if you had the freedom of time and money you desire?
If you haven't already done so and truly desire to create this time and money freedom, you must establish a goal that will help you create this lifestyle. Start by writing out a detailed description of this vision. Get into the details: How much money, how much time, what would you be doing day in and out, how would you feel? The more details, the better. In fact, it is in the details that you will get ideas for a path forward. It will also help you get on the right vibration to manifest your goal, and when things get tough (because they will), you will be able to leverage this vision to fuel your persistence.
Freedom however has a price - namely two:
You must let go of certain things.
What do you need to let go of?
Things that keep you in your comfort zone. Maybe it’s a job and for you to achieve your goal, you will need to take a leap of faith. You will need to take the risk to bet on yourself and let go of that sense of security. Maybe it's speaking in public while you are an introvert. Whatever that is, you will need to step into fear and let go of the comfort zone.
The other thing you need to let go of is the old version of you: old patterns of thoughts and behaviors, old habits which you likely have had for some time and can only lead to the same results. You must let those go and create new thoughts, new habits, new beliefs - in fact, you must create a new self-image, a new identity.
Freedom requires discipline. There is a price to pay sooner or later. The best thing you can start with is by creating a success routine - especially your morning routine as it sets the tone for the entire day. Make sure you are starting your day in the right vibration in order to attract all that you need to manifest your goal! Some of my favorites include gratitude, visualization, meditation, exercise!
You have to be able to give yourself a command and follow through with it. Today, make a choice to end procrastination; declare that it is no longer you. Literally talk to yourself aloud and tell yourself “I’m doing this NOW, no excuses.” Excuses will never lead you to your goal - so make a decision today to let them go. Last but not least, act on your ideas and decisions right away. The NOW is extremely important. The more you delay things, the less likely you are to actually do them.
What are you committing to this week? What are you letting go of?
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For more information, email Lu at lu@dreamintosuccessnow.com
Lu Tandazo - Personal Success Coach
#timefreedom #moneyfreedom #freedom #goals #achievinggoals #successmindset #discipline #overcomeprocrastination #achieveyourgoals #paradigmshift #selfimage #overcomefear
Photography: Joshua Abner