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How life coaching saved my life as a special needs mom...

Writer's picture: Lu TandazoLu Tandazo

When my little guy was born, my world went spiraling. We didn’t expect him to have anything out of the ordinary, and he clearly was no ordinary baby. A number of emotions rushed through my mind from being in shock, to fear, shame, guilt, wondering what we did wrong, why us and how we could work through this. At the same time, it was like drinking from a firehose, meeting so many medical specialists, trying to learn about his condition, prognostics, what to expect, surgeries ahead of us, etc… Needless to say, it was overwhelming.

We were fortunate to have wonderful non-profit organizations support us on this initial journey.

But let’s face it, our lives changed drastically and were filled with medical appointments. My husband had lost his job right before our son’s birth and we were suddenly in need of significant medical services for our little guy, from surgeries, to therapies and numerous specialist visits related to his condition. And he was not our only baby – we had 2 other children aged 4 and 7 at the time, who also needed attention.

Between the financial pressure and having to deal with a whole new world of medical appointments, days were not easy. Such pressure also has a way of straining relationships. Some of us cope better than others, but we didn’t have family around, so our support system was limited. We also made a point to educate ourselves extensively on his condition so as to be his best advocate for the services he needed. This is a job in itself.

As you can probably imagine, my son’s initial year was filled with worry, fear, wondering if I could even go back to work, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, burnt out. I had to face the fact that he was not meeting his milestones and navigating resources was quite a challenge. That includes being denied for SSI and Medicaid. I’m sure you have walked down that path too.

Then I came across a Bob Proctor coaching program and it transformed my whole life. As I changed my mindset and started using my mind the right way, things stated to shift. In fact, as I shifted my perception of our situation and started focusing on what I really wanted, as I started to imagine and believe I could create a better life for myself, for my son and our family, as I started to imagine that my son was thriving, things started to shift. It was quite amazing.

We somehow got suddenly approved for Medicaid, my son started showing improvement and resiliency, and the weight on my shoulders had been lifted. We got support from non-profits for his medical expenses, flights, lodging to out-of-state hospitals… Blessings poured in.

So what did I learn from this Bob Proctor coaching program?

I learned to create a vision of the life I wanted for my family and to hold it in my mind with my will, because if I do, it will come to life. I learned to not let my circumstances define how I think or feel. This is key! Why? Because our thoughts create our feelings – and those dictate our actions and create our reality. So once I learned to consciously CHOOSE my thoughts and use my higher mental faculties like we are supposed to, everything shifted. The feelings of worry, fear, burnout, exhaustion, frustration, and the like all left and were replaced with happiness, confidence and faith in the future, a sense of peace and calm enveloped me and I discovered I had more energy than ever.

Now, this did not happen overnight and working with a coach and following a step-by-step program was what made the difference. But in the grand scheme of things, it only took 6 months – just 6 months that changed my whole life forever! Not only did it change the way I feel and experience life, it also changed my life and what I attract into my life. Things that didn’t work out before were working out. My son was struggling to improve in certain areas and he suddenly started to soar.

If you have ever dived into personal development and read the book Think and Grow Rich, in the chapter Desire, there is a section called “Desire Outwits Mother Nature.”

This is a great illustration of how powerful our minds are, and that circumstances do not define who we are, nor our future, nor should we let them control our thoughts. Bob Proctor always said, ban the word “impossible” from your vocabulary – it is not a bad advice!

So what can you do today to improve your own life?

- Start by creating a vision of what you want for every aspect of your life. I mean, imagine that you have a magic wand and that truly anything is possible. If you could, what would your life look like?

- Allow yourself to believe it is possible – all you need to do is learn how to use your mind the right way to create that reality.

- Make a vision board, write out the description of your ideal life. Read it daily. Experts in personal development state you should read it at least twice a day, especially when you get up and when you go to bed. There is science behind this and it taps into your subconscious mind and the law of attraction.

- Out of that vision you wrote, pick one or 2 things you want to accomplish first. Make them your goals. And you likely won’t have any idea how in the world you could make it happen, and that’s the way it should be. So do not worry. I can assure you that you will find a way, as long as you hold that vision and goal in your mind and believe.

- Relax, meditate, and visualize your goal. See your goal as if it was accomplished. FEEL it. Experts say “feeling is the secret.” Truly feel as if your vision was already real. Here is a great video on visioneering you may want to watch.

- Once you have done the above, start thinking of ways you could get closer to your goal. What first step could you take? You may not know the second step, but there is one thing you can do today. DO IT.

- Make a committed decision you are going to create the life you really want. Dreams are worthless unless you truly want to improve your life and are going to take action. So take that first step. And maybe that first step is to reach out to a coach. At the end of the day, it is your life and it is your child’s future. When you thrive, your child thrives. So make a committed decision that now is the time.

If you want to learn more and find out if coaching is right for you and your family, let’s have a conversation. Book a call today.

Sometimes, you are just one step away from a life changing opportunity… You can learn more here.

Happy journey, because it can truly be amazing.



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