Support for Parents of Special Needs Children through mindset
As parents of special needs children, you deal with a unique set of challenges, often having to sacrifice (mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, sometimes careers as well) to provide the best care for your child, while dealing with stress, uncertainty, worry, fear, anxiety and phases of caregiver burnout. This may leave you feeling drained, and your overall ability to enjoy life, your relationships, sleep, work, and social life may have taken a toll. It may even be hard to focus. You are doing everything you can to do it all. It's hard, yet you keep fighting every day because though you didn't ask for this extra gift when your child came into the world, you adore your child and would do anything for them.
I've been there and it's hard! In addition, 96%-98% of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are subconscious (i.e. on auto-pilot), so we end up feeling the same way every day, with no end in sight.
Then I discovered the power of mindset through a coaching program. It completely altered my life and my special needs journey. Today, I am here to support those who want to make changes and improve their lives. My mission is to empower special needs families. You deserve the best. You deserve to enjoy life to its fullest with your special gift child.
More importantly, when you thrive, your child thrives and reaches their full potential.
What's involved?

Staying in control
We often let outside circumstances dictate how we feel and it sends us spiraling into worry, fear, stress, anxiety, etc. You can change this. When you learn to stay in control of your thoughts and emotions, worry, fear, anxiety will no longer be part of your life.

Taking care of you
Learn how to care for yourself spiritually, mentally and physically - without feeling guilty. Learn how to create time for you to make your cup full so you can be the best version of yourself for others.

Growth and transformation
Embark on a journey of growth and transformation. Learn how to create your own circumstances and reinvent your current reality. When you change the inside, the outside will change... Are you ready to enjoy life?
Helpful tips for parents of special needs children
The habit of gratitude
Every morning, when you wake up, look for the good. Look for things that you have going for you and your family - and feel truly thankful for them. Start a gratitude journal and allow the feeling of gratitude to set the tone for the day.
Visualize and
Take 5-10 minutes to disconnect from everything. Quiet your thoughts and visualize how you want things to be (instead of what they currently are or what you are worried about). You get to choose your thoughts!
Take control of your thoughts
When you are not feeling great, it tells you that your thoughts are not positive. It's your opportunity to change them - which will alter your feelings. Learn to guard your mind from negative thoughts or influences. Reject those thoughts.
Learn to take care of you
Whatever you enjoy doing, do it. Do it to refill your cup and feel stronger. Find a new passion. Pursue a dream. Allow that time for you so you can serve your family better. Commit to it and you will find the resources.
What's next?
Get in Touch
Are you ready to get your life back?
Schedule a call. Options include individual coaching or family coaching.
You deserve to live a happy, balanced, fulfilled life. You deserve to thrive. Do it! Do it for yourself, and for your family. Now.